Monica & Dave (Social Background)

Dear Friends & Relatives of Monica & Dave
It gives me great pleasure to inform you that my wife Betty & myself are very special friends of Monica and Dave where we have so much in common to share when we meet up at each others homes. Dave has been instrumental in giving me good advice and lessons on Making Movies and also on the music front, and of course I admire his great keyboard playing.
Betty & Monica get on very well discussing cookery, cake making and gardening so when we all meet up it is just fun.
I know Monica & Dave have many good friends and we have learnt of some of their past social activities which I now wish to share with some of our good friends and relatives and as such here is a little background to the exciting times of Dave & Monica. (P.S. I had to beg Dave for the background attached below - Thanks Dave).

As for your other queries regarding our church - Mon has now given up quiet a lot of the official duties that she used to do i.e. Church Warden, PCC member, etc. but she still does visiting of the elderly/infirmed people in the parish, she is on the list of readers for both intercessions and lessons which she carries out regularly in the church, and she is also the lay representative for our church at group council meetings i.e. this is where representatives of the five churches in our Deans Group get together at regular meetings throughout the year to discuss matters/events of common interest to the group. She also gets involved with fund raising activities.  This year she organised an Open Gardens event, which raised over £900, a Woodingdean scarecrow competition, which although only raising about £100 was a good community event. She also organised the church stall(s) at the Woodindean Carnival, which raised in access of £800. Also, she is a member of the PPG (Patient Participation Group),which has nothing to do with the church but is attached to our Doctor's surgery. So you see she still keeps herself quite busy.

As for myself, I am a member of the PCC and I also read intercessions and lessons at church services on a regular basis. I am also a member of the church choir though these days the number in the choir is very often less than a handful of people but we do our best. I also look after the accounting  for the Goodwill Giving which in our church is called Planned Giving. This is not the main treasurers job in the church which is a position held by someone else, but is to do with voluntary and Gift Aided donations given by regular members of the congregation and also by casual visitors to the church. However, it does involve keeping strict records every fortnight of peoples 'giving' and also for reclaiming tax back off the Inland Revenue which I do twice a year.

Both of us, of course, do try to support the majority of events and functions that the church puts on including joint services with the local methodist church and within which we have become particularly friendly with a couple from there and we try to meet up with them in each others houses on a regular basis for a chat.

You ask for the link to the website where I have published my 'keyboard efforts'. If you use the following link you should be able to access and play any or all of my contributions  However, because of my medical problems over the last eighteen months or so of which you are aware, I have not published any new ones here since 2011. I hope that I will be able to do so again in the near future.

The website address for our church is and I update the information on the site at least once at the beginning of each month. However, yesterday it appears that the website host server went down and so far it has not restarted so, for the time being, you will not be able to get onto it. The site is usually quite reliable and I have no idea at the moment what has happened.

As yet, Mon and myself have not been given the PowerPoint presentation CD which Steven prepared but as soon as we have it I will pass a copy onto you.

I think that is about all for now, hope we will see you again in the near future, once your building work is complete.

Kind regards - Dave (& Mon)

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Hi Benny,

Having just sent the previous email it occurred to me that you may be interested in the following website. It is the PSR Tutorial website and my performer page can be accessed via the following link where you will see a short resume of me and from where you can also play a selection of 'my keyboard efforts'.

As you will see there are a number of other performers who you can access from the links on the top left of this page.

Perhaps you would be interested in becoming a performer on the website yourself.

Kind regards - Dave



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